Friday, January 06, 2006

The Happiest Day EVER!!

Ok, perhaps that’s a bit overstated, but I am indeed giddy to the point of skipping I am so happy. Yesterday we signed up for Centrepoint – an expatriate club in Basel that has, among other things, an ENGLISH LIBRARY. Joy, joy – all I can say is JOY! A library with books that I can actually read. Over the last two months I have been able to read Adrift (thanks David) and 8 Centuries of Painting at the Louvre (an art-lovers dream) which are both FANTASTIC books, but I didn't want to read them over and over. Now I have several hundred books to choose from!!! First up: P.G. Wodehouse, Nickel and Dimed, and Freakonomics. I am beside myself with excitement (whoopie!!!)

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