Monday, July 16, 2007

Solarbob & Hash House Harriers

On Saturday we decided to stay close to Basel. In the morning we drove to Langenbruck to visit the Solarbob. You must leave the main road and cross over a pass to get to the town. There were many bicyclers on the road leading to the summit - impressive considering it was a 15 degree uphill slope). The solarbob is a sort-of toboggan ride that is cut into the side of a very large hill. The solar part powers you and your 'toboggan' up to the top so you don't have to walk. Once at the top, gravity takes over and whirls you through a metal track of twists and turns to the end. You control your speed with a break and there is one point on the run that displays your speed (our top speed was 47 kph). After a quick lunch back in Basel we headed to our second activity for the day: Hash House Harriers. This is a very unusual group and we were both shocked that it has been around since 1938! In a nutshell, it's a running group with a beer habit (how can that be bad?!?). It gets to be a bit of a treasure hunt looking for the clues that mark the trail which really takes your mind off the fact that you are running (the bonus is that there is a break in the middle of the run for beer!). We saw many parts of Basel we had never been to before and met many nice people. Wow - there's even one in Indy! See all of Basel events here. Other pictures from around Basel here.

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